“Eagle Weighing Scales is among the top 10 truck scale distributors in the Uganda for the second largest scale manufacturer…
At Eagle Weighing Scales, we maintain multiple test trucks with accurate, certified weights. We have a fleet of service vehicles…
We are also known for reliable and prompt after sales service. At Eagle Weighing Scales, we not only focus on…
Our accurate and reliable weighing solutions serve the needs of all major industries. All of our products are approved by…
Eagle Weighing Scales is a promising concern with a successful legacy of more than 10 years in the industry. Started…
At Eagle Weighing Scales, we sell and service scales ranging from portable pocket scales to counting and portioning scales, bench…
City Weighing Scales is a value-added distributor for several major manufacturers of industrial scales and weighing systems. We support and…
Our scale services include preventive maintenance, scale calibration, certification, scale repair, installation, load testing, and weighing services. We have the…
Your scales need to be in good repair and weighing results need to be accurate, precise and repeatable regardless of…
Scales and commercial weighing systems are used for a multitude of purposes including verifying the value of goods for sale,…