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Most Reputable gold Sellers in Hagen Germany+256757598797

Mansa Minerals Ltd is a Ugandan company specializing in the gold industry, catering to both retail and wholesale clients. They offer a range of gold products, including nuggets, minted bars, and cast bars, with worldwide delivery options.
Mission and Services
The company’s mission is to provide gold bullion products and services that enable individuals and institutions to make effective gold investments.
Interested parties can contact Mansa Minerals via:
WhatsApp: +256757598797
Email: or
Their offices are located in Central Division, Kampala Capital City, Uganda.
For more detailed information, you can visit their official website or reach out through the provided contact details.


Mansa Minerals Uganda act as agent for a gold producer in DR Congo and Uganda. We are in search of gold buyers ready to take all or part of this gold and enter into long term monthly or weekly contracts with our company. We can have monthly quantities up to 1500 Kg and we are interested in long term contracts though spot buyers are also welcome. Feel free to contact us for more info email call +256757598797 or on our website

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