Ad Details
Ad ID: 14116
Added: August 10, 2024
Sale Price: UGX000
Views: 272
OTC Equipment provide different type of block machine but at first now what is block machine?
Bricks or blocks are one of the oldest manufactured building materials and are used in the construction of facilities, homes, commercial and public buildings. Blocks have been used as a building material for thousands of years. In the beginning, people produced blocks by drying lumps of mud or clay. They were made either manually or with molds and then placed in the sun. Today, most blocks are made automatically with modern and advanced machines. The size of the block in buildings can change, as each country has its own standard specifications for the manufacture of blocks. Our company always seeks to provide all customer requirements. Now it manufactures all types of machines and molds with different production capacities capable of producing various sizes and shapes according to the customer’s desire.
1. And as OTC Equipment are one of primer supplying for Block Machine is UAE, we study carefully our customer needs and their feedback.
2. Able to produce all types of blocks in all sizes.
3. And hollow blocks and insulating blocks, and this is done with only one machine by changing the molds.
4. You get a new product in different sizes.
5. According to the customer’s request, the shape of the mold and the thickness of the stone to be made are designed.
So, we design OTC Block machine on the basis at an integrated factory.