Ad Details
Ad ID: 14099
Added: July 25, 2024
Sale Price: UGX23000
Views: 618
Block machine is a mechanical device that is developed and produced to generate concrete blocks as per demand. It can produce various types of blocks regarding size along with perfection and accuracy. OTC provides different types of block machines, which can offer customer’s satisfaction.
Technology today has revolutionized the style of working. Similar to how machines supplanted the idea of manual labor, the introduction of the block-making machine allowed for the creation of blocks in a variety of sizes and shapes. These environmentally friendly machines use removable gang mould technology that allows them to make many blocks at a time during a casting cycle.
Various kind of block machines available in the market according to the mould sizes. We have Automatic hydraulic block and paver machine, automatic concrete block machine, semi-automatic hydraulic concrete block machine, and egg-laying concrete block making machine which produce hollow and solid bricks.