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Using an Analytical Lab Balance
The first step is to prepare the balance for weighing your sample, by leveling and zeroing it. Check whether the leveling bubble on the weighing chamber’s floor is centered, or adjust the leveling screws located underneath. Then, close the chamber doors and briefly press down on the control bar till a row of zeros is displayed.
Solid objects can be weighed directly on the balance pan, by opening the chamber doors and placing the object on the pan. The readout will be displayed after you close the doors.
Use the appropriate container for weighing liquids, powders, or granular substances. Start by placing the container on the pan and zeroing the balance. Then, carefully add the sample (either directly, or by removing the container and making sure the control bar is untouched), close the doors and check the readout.
If any chemicals have spilled on the balance, it should be cleaned thoroughly. Shut it down (by gently raising the control bar) after you’re done using with your weighing procedures for the day.
These sensitive devices are easily affected by air currents, temperature and other physical variables, so they are enclosed or shielded to reduce exposure. Still, the enclosures will not be able to protect them completely.