Analytical balance scale When laboratory work and research require accuracy to the hundred-thousandth, there is simply no room for error. The Explorer series of semi-micro balances has been designed with the technology to ensure that your very specific weighing results are accurate. Sophisticated laboratories requiring accuracy and looking for innovative technology to obtain measurement results can find both in Explorer semi-micro balances. Geared for high-performance with up to 0.01mg readability and capacities up to 220g. The Auto-Cal Internal Calibration system ensures accuracy of results in applications that require high precision.

What is an Analytical Balance?
electronic analytical scale balance Analytical balances are precision measuring instruments used in quantitative chemical analysis, to determine the mass of solid objects, liquids, powders and granular substances. Today, electronic balance use the principle of magnetic force restoration, offering readability up to .0001 g.
Industries That Use Analytical Balances


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