Ad Details
Ad ID: 1838
Added: May 7, 2020
Sale Price: 95,000
Views: 19329
*Benefits of x-power Coffee
1. Relieves fatigue and exhaustion
2. Relieves stress and mild depression
3. Provide healthy nervous system and very effective on mental attitude
4. It improves the vitality (masculine sexual power and
5. It enhances kidneys, lungs, heart, and liver functions)
6. Anti hypotensive (fights low blood pressure)
7. Good for edema
8. Fights memory loss, alzheimer’s, and senile dementia.
9. Prevents male impotence and erectile dysfunction
10. It builds stamina thus good for athletic performance
11. It improves sexual desires
Ingredients: Tongkat Extract, Maca Extract, Epimediun Extract, and Coffee latte.
Package: A box containing 8 Sachets of 24.5g each.
Usage: 1 Sachet resolved in hot boiled water twice a day. ( 1×2) per day.