Ad Details
Ad ID: 1849
Added: May 7, 2020
Sale Price: 135,000
Views: 8519
*Benefits of feminergy capusles*
1.Recommended for hormonal imbalance for middle
age and old women;
2.For fatigue, common cold, allergies and dizziness,
irritability and hot flashes;
3.Delays aging and maintain youthful look;
4.Delays organ aging (lung, liver, kidney e.T.C)
5.Maintains organs normal functions
6.Reclaims wrinkles, skin laxity and melasma;
7.Good for people who with cardiovascular and
cerebrovascular diseases;
8.People who have had radiotherapy, chemotherapy;
9.Long-term user of computers, cell phones and tv;
10.Good for cancers, diabetes, cardiovascular,
alzheimer patients.
11.Anti-mutagenic,anti-tumor effect (cancer related)
12.Prevent cataracts and has anti-inflammatory effects
13.Prevents dental cavities and gingivitis
14.Improves memory alertness
15.Natural antioxidant.
Ingredients: Grape Extracts which is a powerful antioxidant.
Package: 60 capsules.